For many years, Kan-Sun stood as a trusted name in the grain drying industry. When production of Kan-Suns came to an end, D & B answered farmers' needs by re-manufacturing these in-demand dryers with many improvements to keep up with changing times.
Re-manufactured Kan-Sun dryers offer a reliable, efficient alternative to a new tower dryer at a fraction of the cost.
The re-manufactured Kan-Suns are made like new. They are completely stripped down to their bare steel then redesigned, rebuilt, and replaced with innovations that drive performance and efficiency! Upgrades are made to the plumbing and electrical systems, as well as burner shields, flame probes, limit switches, and many other parts. Motors are rebuilt at a certified repair shop.
Re-manufactured Kan-Sun dryers operate in a Pressure Heat/Vacuum Cool mode for maximum efficiency. Each dryer is fitted with two air intake doors, which can be opened to drive higher capacities, if desired. Dryers are also re-skinned leading to cleaner sheets during operation, improved air flow, and increased capacities.
Each re-manufactured Kan-Sun dryer is fitted with a Variable Frequency Drive that adjusts the unload rate to achieve your set moisture content. Depending on what fits your needs, you can customize your re-manufactured Kan-Sun with a GSI Cal-U-Dri or, D & B's very own, i-Kan Automatic Moisture Contoller & Remote Monitoring System.
The i-Kan Automatic Moisture Controller & Remote Monitoring System allows remote access to re-manufactured Kan-Sun dryers. With the developments we've incorporated, our Kan-Sun customers are spending less than 2 cents per bushel per point using LP, based on 2018 drying conditions.
Kansun is a registered trademark of Mathews Company. D&B Agro-Systems does not own or operate Kansun. This product is a used & reconditioned version of the original Kansun product.
Keeping pace with technological advancements, D & B has developed the i-Kan Moisture Controller and Remote Monitoring Systems.
The i-Kan allows you to monitor and control the dryer from your phone or tablet, providing 24/7 access to the controller system. Plus, the i-Kan features more sophisticated controls, sampling the grain every 3 seconds, and delivering greater consistency, particularly when when grain moisture is more erratic. It is easy to read with an easy-to-set touch screen that takes all the guess work out of setting your dryer.
Or wanting to know more about re-manufactured Kan-Suns? Give one of our salesmen a call today!
Hubbard: 641-864-2604 Storm Lake: 712-732-5466
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